Saturday, August 09, 2014


This post is in dual-language

Udah lamaaaaaa banget gak ngeblog..hehehheh...walaupun tetep rajin ngikutin berita berita di blog temen-temen, tapi untuk post cerita sendiri rasanya lagi gak mood. 

Its been a llooooonnngggg while since my last post...hehehe....even though I am still blogwalking and reading up my friends' news, but it seems no mood to post one of my own. 

Kemaren-kemaren sempet diundang bbq-an sama temen, dan di tengah tengah acara kita sempet nanya kabar nya salah satu temen kita yg baru pulang dari honeymoon. Dan surprise, doi bilang kalo dia udah hamil! happy for them! 
Udah selesai acara, pas nyampe rumah, baru ngobrol sama hubby, kenapa tadi kita gak bilang juga kalo kita lagi expecting, yah? Hahahahahha....padahal topik nya lagi pas, dan waktu itu perut g emang udah keliatan endud, sehingga mengundang tatapan spekulasi ( mungkin feeling g doank...hahahahah)

Yup, kita sedang menunggu kedatangan anggota keluarga baru :)

A few weeks ago, we were invited for bbq at one of our friend's and in the middle of the party, we were catching up with one couple who recently return from their honeymoon. And what a surprise when she said that she is pregnant! Waaahh, happy for them!
After the bbq, we reach home and was chatting with hubby, "why didn't we also mentioned that we are also expecting?" Hahahahahha......the topic was just right and at that time my tummy was starting to show, so a few speculative look was directed my way (I think ;)... )

Yes, we are expecting a new addition to the family :)

Bukannya gak mau tukar cerita atau sengaja gak bilang, tapi gue orangnya suka binggung kalo gak ada angin gak ada ujan tau tau bikin pengumuman...deskripsi di situs ini + preggers suka lemot, kyknya menjelaskan kenapa,.....hehehe

Not that I don't want to share or purposely not saying anything,but I sometimes unsure how to go about making an announcement out of the blue....the description in this site + the "preggie brain" perhaps explain it.....hehehe

Ok, lets talk abt the bump;

Skg lagi minggu ke 17, bulan pertama kerjaan nya makan dan tidur. Napsu makan membludak dan tidur pun kebo banget. Badan rasanya cape banget, tidur siang bisa dari jam 1-5 sore di weekend. Dan sempet bbrp kali pulang kantor pas lunch time buat bobo siang...hahahha. Bawaan nya malessssss abiez. Yg kacian hubby donk, kerjaan rumah hampir semua nya dia yg ngerjain. Dari masak, beberes rumah, bersih bersih, nyuci baju dll. G tinggal gosok doank ;D

We are now at week 17, the first month I did nothing but eat and sleep. I have the appetite of a construction worker and sleep pattern of a sloth. I felt so tired most of the time, I can take a nap from 1-5pm on weekends. And a few times I manage to come home during lunch time to take a nap. Lllaaazzzzyyyy mode ON!
My poor hubby takes over most of household chores, from cooking, tidying up the house, cleaning up, washing clothes etc. I just need to iron ;D

Mulai mual mual. Untung gak parah, sejak saat itu, selalu bawa biskuit tawar kemana pun g pergi. Siap siap ngemil biar perut gak kosong. Jam makan jadi teratur; jam 12 siang pasti laper, jam 4 pasti musti ngemil dan jam 6 mesti dinner. Gak bisa gak. Kalo telat langsung deh mual. 

Morning sickness starts. Luckily not too bad, so I start carrying plain biscuits everywhere I go, ready to chew so my tummy won't be empty. Meal times becomes as precise as a german engineering machine, lunch must be at 12, tea time snack at 4pm, and dinner at 6pm. Miss meals? Nauseous. 

Selera makan jadi picky banget. Pengen nya makan makanan indo ;))) hahahaha....pempek, bakmi GM, nasi padang, soto, sop buntut, nasi tim....semuanya yg gak bisa dimasak ataupun dibeli ama hubby....hahahha...selain dia terbang ke jkt. Akhirnya minta bo-nyok beliin dan nitip sama sodara yg dateng. 

I crave indonesian food. Hahahhaa.....indonesian fishcake, jakarta noodles, nasi padang, oxtail soup, steam chicken rice...all that my hubby can't cook or buy *puk puk hubby*....unless he flew to jkt. So we ask my parents to pass some to ppl who is coming spore to bring them along. 

Sekarang selera makan udah mulai 'normal' (senormal nya org hamil lah), mual mual udah berkurang dan energi balik lagi. Tapi tetep gak suka manis, yg namanya dessert, kue, coklat, bahkan sampe buah yg terlalu manis pun (kyk lychee) gak pengen banget. Padahal dulu gue demen tea-time an. 

Yah, smoga si dedek sehat sehat dan baek baek aja di dlm. Amin. 

Now, appetite is back to 'pregnancy normal', less naseous, and energy is back. Still don't like sweet stuff though, dessert, cakes, chocolate, even overly sweet fruits are a turn-off, even tho before I really like my tea-time. 

Hopefully everything will goes well ( right, kiddo?). Amen.