haduh, maap, udah lama banget kagak ngeblog...padahal udah di-draft, tapi tetep saking kelamaan, tu draft udah basi dan berjamur! hahaha...
cerita ttg libur christmas dan happy new year nya yg taon depan aja deh yaa...Gong Xi Fat Chai (buat yg merayakan) dan Happy Valentine!!
Kali ini mau cerita ttg kejadian tadi siang.
Sekitar jam 12-an gitu gue keluar kantor, mau ke bank,beli cemilan, pesen stationery, dll. Selesai urusan, gue nyetop taksi lagi buat balik ke kantor. Begitu udah gue selesai bilang ke si uncle taxi gue mau kemana, dia nggak jawab iya atau nggak, maen jalan aja. Baru jalan 1 detik, dia nanya ke gue;
TU (taxi uncle); You got food with you? Duck is it? *nadanya rada nyolot*
G (gue); dengan agak binggung Ah, no uncle, its cookies only.
TU: Oh! you know, some ppl like to complain that the taxi is smelly so I have to spray it with the air freshener *sambil ngasih liat gue air freshener Dettol; tetep dengan nada nyolot*
G: oh is that so? well, you should tell them to go buy their own car; since a cab is considered public transportation.
udah mulai bete
TU: Yeah *gelagapan* but, you know lah ppl here like to complain complain, we are a dictatorian country
G: gue cuman hmmm....ooohhh...aahhh....
udah nggak berapa lama, dia nanya lagi..TU: How old are you?
G: eerrmmmm,...
TU: 30, is it? you look 30.....
duueeennggg...tambah bete
G: no lah uncle, not yet 30. *walaupun sambil cengar-cengir, dalam hati udah gedek*
TU: How many children?
G; No children yet, still single
TU: Ha? no children yet? you know that women past the age of 35 will have a 70% of chance their children must be something wrong one, only 30% will be normal. I know. My relative is a gynocologist, he said so. *dengan nada pede jaya*
gue sih nggak mikir dia salah, cuman kagak mau berdebat aje
G: oh, is it?
TU: Yes!, I have 2 kids. My sons. *sambil ngibas-ngibas beberapa lembar foto ke arah gue*
G: Oh ya? *sambil ngambil untuk kesopanan semata*
abis liat poto-poto yg menurut gue print-an nya agak mencurigakan (kayak tipe cardboard majalah yg glossy) G: Oh, your children are studying in the US? *sambil balikin foto*
TU: Yes, my eldest son is studying mathematical chemistry, my younger son is studying mathematical Physics (gue kagak tau deh beneran ada ngak subject kayak gitu)
TU: Mathematics is the key to all other subjects. If you are good at mathematics, you can be good at all other things, financials,etc etc...
lagi, gue ngak bilang dia salah, tapi gue udah mulai irritated
TU: you don't like mathematics is it? I always tell my children that they got to get someone with a good gene, otherwise it will be no good.
G: not that I don't like it, I like counting money,..haha...*mencoba bercanda walau bete* but I guess I like a more social subject *somehow mencoba membela kelas IPS gue*
TU: No, counting money is different *dgn nada serius* oh, if like that then you can not lah for my sons. Me and my wife are quite intelligent, so our sons are of good genes. I always tell my sons that they have to get someone with good genes.
super duper bete, lagian siapa yg naksir ama anaknya ya? ketawa gue udah mulai garing; sambil berpikir kasian deh anak loe, sampe mesti nyari jodoh diantara penumpang2 taksi loe *udah mulai kejam*
somehow, gue tau kadang sopir taksi cuman mau sekedar ngobrol doank, tapi sumpeh deh,..nada nya bikin gue empet
TU: Are you a Christian?
G: Yes, I am.
TU: Ah, you go to the church *lupa nama church nya* and look for *lupa nama anaknya*, the leading guitarist.
G: Oh,..hhmm,...
G: how old are your sons? mencoba membelokkan percakapan
TU: My oldest son is in uni, my younger son is in junior college. Go see him at the church.
G: hmmm,....*sambil menghela napas lega, akhirnya nyampe di kantor gue!*
setelah bayar dan minta receipt TU: Happy New Year!
G: Happy New Year Too
TU: Pull your ear
G: He? *nyengir binggung*
TU: Happy New Year! Pull your ear! *ryhme-ing*
PS: gue bukannya mau ikut-ikutan org cinpur yg complain-complain, tapi mbok ya sopan dikit gitu yak. Nanya nya tuh yg bener2 termasuk kasar gitu dan menurut gue personal banget! example: umur, pendidikan,agama.
gue sih biasanya nggak terlalu be-te kalo diajakin ngobrol ttg hal-hal itu, tapi kata kunci nya ngobrol loh, bukan nya seperti si taxi uncle yg jelas-jelas patronizing dan sedikit mencela. HAIYA!
*tambah curhat jadi tambah be-te*
Disclaimer: the note above is the author's personal impression and recollection of the event, which is not necessarily reflect all conversations/actions.
Monday, January 25, 2010
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gile supir taxi nya ngeselin banget....
Iye Man,...sering naek taksi, jadi sering ketemu sopir yg macem-macem...
Bahhhh.. Kalo gw sih, udh gw kasih cengiran sinis bin sadis, dan kalo ditanya, gw bakalan belaga budek.
@ Elsiey, yg kali ini kyknya kagak mempan digitu-in..hahaha....
elo ke mana mana bukannya bawa ipod? sengaja dengerin ipod ajee...
BAAAHHHHH...typical ya Nan??
Something is really wrong with tukang taxi Sinciapo..
most of the time, mereka sukaaaaa banget argue and bragging ga jelas ya? heran deh gw!!!!
Ngakak gue baca ini , nek...hahahahaaha.......apalagi yg soal dia punya good genes...whoahahaha....what a joke to start your year..
@ Ci, gue sih menunjukkan kalo gue masih sopan dan baik hati,...hhahaha
@Elrica, eemmmbbbeerrr,.....topiknya tuh 9 out of 10 yg gak guna gitu yeee....
@ Nad, sumpe pas dia ngomong gitu ya, udah pengen gue judesin tau ngak....ampun dah...
wakakaka *guling2*
emang dgn dia jadi supir taxi menunjukkan genes dia BAGUS?!! MAsya olooooohhhh...
Kok cinpur kelakuannya aneh2 gitu yak! cupet banget pikirannya.
Laen kali bilang: Please SHut ur mouth up uncle or i'll leave u unpaid..Hhahaha...
Eh2 tapi ad yg aneh tuh.. KAtanya lagi sekolah di US.. napa lo disuruh nyari dia di Greja Spore? *aneh*
@pat; itu dia pat! ceritanya tuh kadang ngak konsisten gitu khan! plus kesannya tuh dia nggak cuman bangga tapi sampe meremehkan org lain. Itu yg bikin gue kesel..
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