Monday, December 04, 2006


Ok, this is not about food, but more of a collection of blog that I wanted to "dump" this once, without different title ,.. so here goes;

There is a new guy at the office, he is one of my country-men and while we were chatting, I found out that he is one of the many families that has been devastated during our country's riot. He claims that his family no longer has a house due to destruction by the rioters, and now he is in singapore, his brother and sister is still back home, but his parents are seeking asylum in US.
He himself has left our home country right after he graduated and ever since has become "nomad" like me.
During my bus ride to home, I am pondering his situation, and in comparison, I guess we should be grateful that what we lost then, can be replaced, unlike his lost of family which is quite impossible to replace (his parents can not ever return home or even visit, once they have been granted citizenship under the US scheme, and I can tell that by the whole experience, he will not be returning home any time soon, lets say 30 years)

Went to another movie last weekend, this time is the animation "Happy Feet" .....
hm,.....(thinking of putting the experience to words)..............................................................................
To put it shortly, we have been entertained by the dancing penquins as much as we were entertained by the dancing audience.
There were a lot of kiddies among the parents, and most of them were stomping and jumping in their seats to the tunes of dear mumble!!

Currently listening to Earl Klugh's "wishful thinking".............................................................


Journal Mommy Yenny said...

oh....?? happy feet bagus ya?
i plan to watch it. Not with the kids, but with their daddy.... huaahahahahaha

nomad girl said...

buset dah,....