Wednesday, August 11, 2010

So happy!


My dearest lovely friends gave me an early early birthday present! It might not be what I wish, but it certainly what I need!....

Thank you so much Her and Ser...muuuaachhh...

This is actually a big surprise for me, because I really didn't see it coming. When they gave it to me, I was quite shocked and speechless for a few minutes because I really can't believe they gave me something that's so expensive! But they know that I need one for my birthday trip next month and they decided to give me my present one month early!

Yeay! love you both!! hugs n kisses


Pinkbuble said...!!!
Dat is nice!!

Journal Mommy Yenny said... are lucky to have such nice friends....

Candela said...

Wowww..... Kamera!!!! Ixus 105 itu oke banget loh ci.... Your friends are awesome :)

Patzie said...

OMG!!! They are trully nice....
slurrrpppp. anak tarsi kan?? Emang anak tarsi tuh baek2... *hallahh *

Patzie said...

Btw... B-day trip mau kemana?

nomad girl said...

@ Elrica, Iya El,..gue belum punya, so seneng banget nerima nya!

@ Ci,..yes,..I am very lucky..

@ Dian, yup...temen2 gue emang baek banget....

@ Pat,..hahahha....sesama anak tarsi yeech? bday trip mau ke europe, hopefully semua visa nya dapet...hehehe

Arman said...

waaaaaaaa temen lu baik amat yaaaa.. hehehe

nomad girl said...

@ Arman, iya Man,..ampe kaget nerima nya juga....