My dearest lovely friends gave me an early early birthday present! It might not be what I wish, but it certainly what I need!....
Thank you so much Her and Ser...muuuaachhh...
This is actually a big surprise for me, because I really didn't see it coming. When they gave it to me, I was quite shocked and speechless for a few minutes because I really can't believe they gave me something that's so expensive! But they know that I need one for my birthday trip next month and they decided to give me my present one month early!
Yeay! love you both!! hugs n kisses
Dat is nice!!
hahahhahaaa....you are lucky to have such nice friends....
Wowww..... Kamera!!!! Ixus 105 itu oke banget loh ci.... Your friends are awesome :)
OMG!!! They are trully nice....
slurrrpppp. anak tarsi kan?? Emang anak tarsi tuh baek2... *hallahh *
Btw... B-day trip mau kemana?
@ Elrica, Iya El,..gue belum punya, so seneng banget nerima nya!
@ Ci,..yes,..I am very lucky..
@ Dian, yup...temen2 gue emang baek banget....
@ Pat,..hahahha....sesama anak tarsi yeech? bday trip mau ke europe, hopefully semua visa nya dapet...hehehe
waaaaaaaa temen lu baik amat yaaaa.. hehehe
@ Arman, iya Man,..ampe kaget nerima nya juga....
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